A Tale of Love, Tragedy, and Unforgettable Sacrifice

 They were both class fellows. The girl was beautiful and the boy was popular among all the boys. They kept crossing paths and eventually fell in love. Their situation was like Romeo and Juliet. 

A tale of love

Both families disliked each other, and marriage was difficult. They were both fortunate in their respective families. They were not ready to elope for marriage, so the situation became complicated. The two decided to remain single and live apart. They had no contact for five years. The parents tried to arrange the marriage, but they kept refusing until the girl's parents gave up. The young woman dialed the young man's number, and he picked up.The girl simply said, "Tell me, when should I bring the wedding procession?" The parents met, the marriage took place, and they set up their own home. The boy started his business. By the grace of Allah, they became happy. Their marriage spanned a quarter-century, and they welcomed three children into the world during that time.The lady took great pride in her beauty. She defied her age and looked as beautiful as ever. The husband was still infatuated with her, praising her every day. But one day, the unexpected happened. A small lump appeared on the lady's neck, which eventually developed into a tumor.She sought advice from medical professionals, went through medical examinations, and it was revealed that she had cervical cancer. The husband was not just a husband; he was her support. He could have turned her into meat by praising her beauty, but he took her to the best doctors in the world. Moving from one medical facility to another, from one healthcare provider to another, from one nation to another, they persisted in their quest until the doctors provided the answer.The lady's body was filled with tumors. This tragedy was not over when another disaster struck. The husband's vehicle collided with a truck, resulting in severe injuries.

A tale of love

He was taken to the hospital, where it was determined that he had lost his sight because of the accident. After that, you can imagine their misery. The most beautiful couple in the city, unfortunate enough to have a wife suffering from cervical cancer and a blind husband.

People used to look at them and touch their ears, but despite that, they were confident. They used to take morning walks in the garden, go to the cinema, and eat in restaurants. The wife would hold her husband's hand and walk together. She would guide him, and he would follow her guidance. This routine continued for several months, but then the wife made a strange demand. She wanted to go alone to Switzerland. The husband asked for the reason, and the wife said she wanted to stay alone for ten to fifteen days.

The husband insisted on going with her, but she refused. The insistence and denial continued until the inevitable happened. The husband gave her permission. The wife went to Switzerland, and the husband spent those ten days with great difficulty. They were the first ten days of their separation. Those ten days were like mountains for the husband. He kept longing for her. Ten days later, the wife was supposed to return, but she didn't come.

The husband felt like the world had collapsed. He spent the whole day calling his wife, but there was no contact. However, in the evening, he received a letter from his wife. Their son read the letter. It wasn't just a letter; it was a cataclysmic revelation, and the whole family fell prey to it. Before I reveal this cataclysm, let me tell you a terrifying yet fascinating fact about the world. There are numerous centers in the world where you can die as you wish. These centers are built for the treatment of patients. When people become tired of bearing the burden of diseases and want a peaceful death, they go to these centers. They show their medical reports, doctors examine their condition and reports, and they take an oath saying, "We are leaving this world as per our own will." They choose the day and time of their death, fulfill their last wish, and then depart from this world after receiving a lethal dose. This act is called euthanasia, and it is legal in seven countries of the world, while the debate for its legalization is ongoing in several other countries.

Switzerland is also one of those countries where euthanasia is legal. A center for euthanasia has been established in the city of Zurich. This center is situated in a breathtaking location, with rooms overlooking mountains, waterfalls, and lakes. The patients lie on their beds, witnessing the final mornings and evenings of their lives, and finally cross the boundaries of life into the hands of compassionate doctors and nurses. The woman also went to Switzerland for euthanasia. She couldn't bear the pain of cancer anymore, so she made the decision for a peaceful death. She went to Zurich.

She spent the last ten days of her life there and determined the exact moment of her death when her flight was supposed to touch the homeland's soil. She descended here while the flight went there, and she crossed the boundaries of life. The woman's last letter was in her son's hands. He was reading the letter with tears streaming down his face, and the husband was listening with a bowed head. The wife narrated her entire life. She shared her feelings when she first met him at university, why she used to fight in university and which day she fell in love with him. She described how they spent those five years of separation and why she left their children in the care of employees. "I couldn't divide my love. I couldn't even give my share to our children," she said.

She spent 20 years of married life in happiness,love and bliss, and then when she discovered her first flaw, she experienced something indescribable. She saw herself becoming ugly day by day, and she wondered what her heart went through. She had also made a decision due to the will of nature, but then a strange incident occurred. "You sent our children to boarding school. I knew why you made that decision. You didn't want to see me in this condition, and then you didn't want to see fear in their eyes for me," she wrote.

"Then you started bribing the employees, and they broke a glass every day. I used to tell you to have the glasses replaced, and you used to laugh it off until all the mirrors disappeared from our house. You didn't want me to see my ugliness in my own eyes." The conversation could have stopped there, but you did something strange. You caused an accident and declared yourself blind. I know your eyes are fine. You have been acting blind for the past six months, and I also know why you did it. You didn't want me to see my ugliness through my own eyes. If the conversation had stopped there, I would have endured it, but then you did something unthinkable. You caused an accident and declared yourself blind.

For a moment, it crossed my mind whether I am showing you the ugliness or if I can read my own ugliness in your eyes since you have become blind. Your artificial blindness was the extreme of love. I couldn't bear this extreme, so I made the decision to leave the world. I am leaving this world. Please stop this acting of blindness. Hold this letter and start reading it."

As he reached this point, a scream came out of the son's mouth. The father took the letter from her hands and began reading it in a loud voice, "Please, after me, take care of yourself. I have kept all the measurements for you. I have brought ten pairs of clothes for Darcy. It should last for a year. You have to wear all those clothes until they tear apart. Keep checking your teeth and never forget the morning walks. And the last thing, feed the sparrows every day and take care of my cats. Goodbye. Yours love, Jameela."

The husband folded the letter and put it in his pocket, then started searching for the box of bird seeds.